Unit at the ready Published June 20, 2013 By Capt. Michael Odle 113 Wing Public Affairs JOINT BASE ANDREWS -- The culmination of months of planning for the Combined Unit Inspection (Phase 1) came to fruition June 14 and 15 for the Capital Guardians at Joint Base Andrews. Meeting the demanding standards of Air Combat Command, the 113th Wing earned a grade of satisfactory, indicating the unit is mission ready. Inspectors from Air Combat Commanded based at Langley Air Force Base, Va., thoroughly and impartially assessed the readiness, discipline and proficiency in which the Capital Guardians can respond, prepare and position forces, and provide mission support for combat operations. "The Guard is as equally professional as that of the active duty," said Col. Barre Seguin, Inspector General team leader. "I've been impressed with the level of dedication by all Airmen." While the CUI primarily focused on the Logistics Readiness Squadron and the Maintenance Group, the entire wing operated as one team in one fight, according to Col. Jeffrey Bozard, 113th Wing vice commander. Having adequate training and knowledge are important in a CUI, as well as having good leadership and a positive attitude for those long hours. Many Airmen put in 12-hour days, with peaks and valleys in operational tempo, making for exhausting days. However, Airmen kept a friendly and positive attitude throughout the inspection. On Day one, over a hundred personnel simulated processing for deployment, and over 30 tons of equipment were packed for shipment. "An inspector would walk into a shop and we were, welcoming them, saying hello and asking if there was anything we could do for them," said Colonel Bozard. "We made the inspectors part of the team and not adversaries--that goes a long way at showing what a professional unit we are." Meanwhile, at the end of Day two in the Incident Command Center, unit leadership was monitoring the situation and tracking progress on the flight line, one jet at a time. Around 3 p.m. the ICC erupted in cheers and claps as the tenth and final jet was 'accepted' as combat ready by the IG team, meeting the mission requirements. Moments later a memo from the IG Team Leader was delivered to 113th Wing commander Brig. Gen. Marc Sasseville, officially ending the inspection. "I'm extremely proud of the effort, determination and talent everyone displayed as we completed this inspection," said General Sasseville. "This Wing continues to stand up and consistently demonstrate unparalleled excellence as a showcase unit should."