ESOHCAMP inspection is a success Published Sept. 12, 2012 By Tech. Sgt Craig Clapper 113th Wing Public Affairs Joint Base Adrews, Md -- The Environmental Safety and Occupational Health Compliance Assessment Management Program (ESOCHAMP) conducted an assessment of the 113th Wing during the week of August 20 to 24, 2012 and the result was a resounding success. The assessment kicked off with inspectors looking at continuity books of several different work areas and monitored each the wing's environmental management systems (EMS). Areas of particular interest to the assessors include air emissions and energy/fuel consumption. Dan Mallam, environmental protection specialist, 113th Civil Engineering Squadron, accompanied the assessors and was impressed by the compliance of each unit he visited. "Things looked very good and we may catch a finding or two, but nothing serious and nothing that can't be readily fixed," said Mr. Mallam, "people should get to know the folks that manage your environmental programs at the shop level, listen to your supervisors, suggest new ways to improve our practices, and we will all benefit from the end results." Overall, Joint Base Andrews had 94 total non-compliance findings, with 3 findings being attributed to the 113th Wing. The wing received a positive for Best Management Practice, and the 201st AGE shop was recognized for having an outstanding hazardous materials management program. Their positive finding was even highlighted in the final assessment out-brief. Capt. Duane Peterson, 113th Wing environmental manager, believes the assessment shows the 113th Wing is headed in the right direction. "As always, the Wing did an amazing job demonstrating its commitment to environmental excellence," said Captain Peterson, "Maintaining this level of compliance is no easy task and is a direct result of the hard work and attention to detail performed by the men and woman managing the programs at the shop level. Command support also played an important role and substantiates the Wing's dedication to environmental stewardship."