113WG participates in five inspections Published March 15, 2011 By Capt. Byron Coward 113WG Public Affairs 3/7/2011 - Joint Base Andrews, Md -- The 113th Wing, D.C. Air National Guard will host Air Force and National Guard Bureau inspectors for its unit inspections here March 3 to 7. This is the first time an Air Force Wing will participate in five simultaneous inspections. Components of the 113 WG will be participating in the Air Combat Command and Air Mobility Command Inspector Generals' Compliance Inspection. Additionally, National Guard Bureau inspectors will conduct a Logistics Compliance Assessment Program inspection. The 113th Medical Group will also host inspectors from the Air force Inspection Agency for their Health Services Inspection. "We look forward to demonstrating our sincere dedication to mission accomplishment and organizational excellence," said Brig. Gen. Jeffrey R. Johnson, 113 WG commander. "We have placed ourselves on a journey to greatness and these inspections are an extremely important part of that journey." The 113 WG's ACC and AMC missions require a CI and LCAP for each component. Combined with the medical group's HSI, the 113WG will be participating in all five inspections as part of their March Unit Training Assembly. More than 120 inspectors are scheduled to attend. "An inspection of this capacity is unique," said Maj. Matthew R. McDonough, 113 WG plans officer. "Most CIs or LCAPs don't exceed 70 inspectors. For the 113 WG to handle five inspections with over 120 plus inspectors speaks highly of our wing's professionalism and excellence." The 113 WG's last CIs were in 2002 and 2007 for ACC and AMC respectively. The medical group participated in an HSI in 2007. The 113 WG also participated in an ACC, Phase II, Operational Readiness Inspection in 2009, followed by an Air Expeditionary Force deployment in 2010.